It’s me,


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Processed with VSCO with c1 preset

the little girl with the sun kissed skin surrounding the bones that have become brittle from the blows that come merely in the form of scorned eyes piercing into me and the contempt that escapes lips and fails to encourage..

I don’t have the loose bouncing canopy protruding my crown but the thick coils that make you both uncomfortable and eager to lose your fingers in its feel.

You see,You would think i would love me because of all the attention as a result of my difference and the appetency from them to have parts of me except when the pain resonates.

Burnt buildings and battered streets tell the stories of modern war against my people who sometimes don’t even love themselves enough to see the brainwashing and those that do set out to make profits too –  selling the story but never believing it true. A facade for the many that hide behind the technology screens

that’s all we care about?

see, i’m not one to place blame because that’s them keeping me mentally enslaved to think that i can’t better me and my community because they wont let me

Open your eyes!

see that there’s more to you than the chains and shackles that once bound the sold ancestors.



It’s me,

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